Thursday, July 8, 2010

5P's of P!

  • Product: Apparel, colognes, caps, bags, slippers, shoes, belts, accessories (for girls) etc.
  • Place: Penshoppe stores are located in malls all over the Philippines. And as to what I know they also have branches in Asia.
  • Promotion: Penshoppe doesn't have any commercial ads but they do have billboards. They actually don't advertise directly in television, but it is advertised indirectly by their models in Penshoppe. These are the celebrities who can be watched (mostly) in ASAP on ABS-CBN Channel 2. They also try to advertise their products by means of different fashion shows. They also advertise in magazines.
  • Price: Products that are being sold in Penshoppe ranges from 200 up to around 1,500 or so. Since Penshoppe is all about the youth, they prefer to price their products where teenagers (mostly students) can purchase it.
  • People: Their target market, as what I've said, are teenagers or the youth. most especially the students. People who are in the middle class section and above.

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